저자 : 이창열
저자 이창열 박사는 서울대학교 졸업 후 하버드 대학교에서 26세에 박사학위를 받았다. 미국 연방정부 에너지성, 코넬대학교, 스위스, 이태리, 벨지움 등지에서 연구 활동을 하였으며 이화여대 교수, 대통령 직속 국가과학기술자문회의 전문위원, 한국우주소년단 영재교육연구소장을 역임하였다.
중앙일보에 “하버드 박사 이창열의 지긋지긋한 영어이야기”를 연재하였으며 지은 책으로는 <영어좌절 이유있다> <영어발음 자유선언> <영어단어 무한도전> <영어를 부려라> <영어말하기 무한도전> <미국을 모르면 영어도 없다> 등이 있다.
Unit 1. I run.
Unit 2. I ate it.
Unit 3. I don’t sleep.
Unit 4. Do you like her?
Unit 5. I am a student.
Unit 6. He was late.
Unit 7. Are you happy?
Unit 8. He loves me.
Unit 9. She is my friend.
Unit 10. It’s a piece of cake.
Unit 11. The sun is bright.
Unit 12. Time is gold.
Unit 13. He was riding a bike.
Unit 14. I can speak English.
Unit 15. You have to run fast.
Unit 16. This is a difficult problem.
Unit 17. You should drive carefully.
Unit 18. I’ll meet you at 9 o’clock.
Unit 19. I’ll meet you in Seoul.
Unit 20. He wrote it with a pencil.
Unit 21. She is rich, isn’t she?
Unit 22. Wake up.
Unit 23. Who called you?
Unit 24. Where did you put your bag?
Unit 25. What a wonderful world!
Unit 26. It sounds great.
Unit 27. He gave me a book.
Unit 28. I find it difficult.
Unit 29. I have been there.
Unit 30. He had spent it all.
Unit 31. Play hard to win.
Unit 32. I want something to eat.
Unit 33. I want to be rich.
Unit 34. I don’t know what to do.
Unit 35. Seeing is believing.
Unit 36. She put on walking shoes.
Unit 37. The rabbit was eaten.
Unit 38. I was taught English.
Unit 39. I was laughed at.
Unit 40. This is a boring book.
Unit 41. I bought a used car.
Unit 42. All is quiet.
Unit 43. He killed himself.
Unit 44. He is my first son.
Unit 45. Millions watched the game.
Unit 46. Her skin is as white as milk.
Unit 47. He has more money than you.
Unit 48. Everest is the highest mountain on earth.
Unit 49. You and I are friends.
Unit 50. I ran because I was late.
Unit 51. This is the book which he gave me.
Unit 52. He knows how she cooked it.
Unit 53. What you see is what you get.
Unit 54. I wish I were rich.
Unit 55. I wish he had told me.
Appendix 1. Irregular verbs
Appendix 2. Plurals
Appendix 3. Numerals