▪ 더글러스 맥아더
Duty, Honor, Country
Farewell Address to Congress
▪ 로널드 레이건
The Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address
▪ 로버트 F. 케네디
Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
▪ 리처드 닉슨
▪ 린든 존슨
We Shall Overcome
▪ 마리오 매튜 쿠오모우
1984 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
▪ 마틴 루터 킹
I have a dream
I've Been to the Mountaintop
▪ 맬컴 엑스
The Ballot or The Bullet
▪ 바바라 찰린 조단
1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
Statement on the Articles of Impeachment
▪ 윌리엄 포크너
Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature
▪ 존 F. 케네디
Inaugural Address
Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association
Ich bin ein Berliner
▪ 프랭클린 루즈벨트
First Inaugural Address
Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation
▪ 해리 S. 트루먼
The Truman Doctrine
▪ 힐러리 로드함 클린턴
Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session